8 Natural Ways to Cleanse Your Colon – Easy to Do at Home

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The colon is an important organ in the digestive system. The health of the colon affects the overall health of the digestive system. Many people believe that colon cleansing is essential for optimal digestive health. However, there is very little research proving the effectiveness of colon cleansing, and the quality of the research is poor.

Some colon cleansing methods may be helpful, but older, preliminary studies have shown no evidence to support colon cleansing unless used to relieve constipation or before a medical examination.

8 Natural Ways to Cleanse Your Colon - Easy to Do at Home

How to cleanse your colon

1. Drinking enough water

Drinking enough water and staying hydrated is a great way to keep your digestive system functioning properly. A 2016 study also found that drinking warm water can also benefit your digestive system. However, more research is needed. Eating foods that are high in water content, such as watermelon, tomatoes, collards, and celery, can also help. Many fruits and vegetables help naturally cleanse your colon through diet.

2. Colon cleansing with salt water

You can try a saltwater colonic irrigation, which may be an option for those who suffer from constipation and irregular bowel movements. However, be aware that there is limited scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of a saltwater colonic irrigation.

  • A 2010 study found that drinking warm salt water periodically, along with practicing yoga, was more effective at cleansing the bowels before a colonoscopy than using a specific cleansing solution.
  • A 2018 study: Sodium phosphate solution was found to be effective for colonic irrigation. However, this study is still evaluating saline colonic irrigation in the context of colonoscopy preparation.

There are also stories and experiences from people on the internet who believe that colon cleansing with salt water has worked for them.

If you want to try a saltwater colon cleanse, talk to your doctor first. Here’s how to do it when you’re ready:

  • Before breakfast, mix 2 teaspoons of salt in warm water. People usually use sea salt or Himalayan salt.
  • Drink water quickly on an empty stomach and within minutes you may feel pain in your stomach and need to use the bathroom.
  • Repeat in the morning and evening , and stay near a toilet for a period of time after the colon cleanse. You may need to go to the toilet several times.

3. Eat foods that contain fiber. Fiber or dietary fiber is an essential nutrient for the body. It is found in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, beans and seeds. Plants contain cellulose and other types of fiber that increase the amount of waste in the สมัครสมาชิก UFABET วันนี้ รับเครดิตฟรีทุกวัน colon. It helps improve bowel function, both in solving constipation and diarrhea problems. It also provides food for good bacteria in the intestines.

Therefore, eating foods high in fiber regularly will help maintain a healthy colon and promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestines very well.

4. Juice cleanses are popularly used for colon cleansing, which include fasting and drinking only fruit and vegetable juices, such as the Master Cleanse. However, there is insufficient research on the effectiveness of this method of colon cleansing, and some research suggests risks.

Even so, drinking fruit and vegetable juices in moderation is beneficial to health. Fruit juices contain fiber and certain nutrients that aid digestion. They also help in hydrating the body and keeping the bowel movement regular. Moreover, eating fruits also helps in improving the intestinal microflora and helps in the smooth movement of food through the intestines, thus relieving constipation.

5. Juice Fasting: Popular juices used in juice fasts and cleanses include apple, lemon, and vegetable juices. However, smoothies may be more beneficial for your colon and overall health than juices. This is because juicing removes the pulp and skin from the fruit, reducing the fiber content of the juice, while smoothies are still high in fiber.

A 2017 study found that eating only fruits and vegetables for three days may help you lose weight , but more research is needed to confirm these results. You don’t have to fast and drink only juices and smoothies to get any benefits — just try to incorporate more juices or smoothies into your diet, such as drinking one juice or smoothie a day.

6. Eat resistant starch, which has properties similar to fiber. It is found in many plants, such as potatoes, rice, grains, beans, and unripe bananas. This type of starch helps promote colon health by stimulating the growth of good bacteria in the intestines.

7. Eat probiotics. Adding probiotics to your diet is another way to cleanse your colon. They can also promote other aspects of your overall health. You can get probiotics by taking a probiotic supplement or eating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kimchi, pickles, and other fermented foods.

Probiotics help bring good bacteria into the colon. With the help of fiber and resistant starch, they reduce inflammation and promote regular bowel movements, two important factors in the health of the digestive system related to the colon. Apple cider vinegar is also considered a probiotic and has been used to cleanse the colon. The enzymes and acids in apple cider vinegar are believed to help stop the bad bacteria. However, there are currently few animal studies on this.

8. Drink herbal teas. Herbal teas may help promote digestive health, especially the colon. Laxative herbs, such as psyllium, aloe vera, marshmallow root, and slippery elm, may help relieve constipation. Before using these herbs, consult your doctor and follow the directions carefully. Also, use them in moderation, as excessive use can be harmful. Other herbs, such as ginger, garlic, and black pepper, contain antimicrobial phytochemicals that are thought to inhibit bad bacteria. For this reason, they have been used for detoxification, but there is still insufficient research.